Have you ever talked yourself out of something you've wanted to try?
When something is new and unknown there can be lots of hesitancy around it. Just think of the last time you tried a new dish at the restaurant. Most of us second guest our choice and end up with our "go to" dish. There's nothing wrong with choosing your "go to" dish; However, if it isn't tasty anymore WHY ARE YOU STILL CHOOSING IT?
This principle can also be applied to other areas of your life, like your health. Most of us aren't jumping up and down at the opportunity of joining a new gym. We're slower to walk through it's doors and into our first fitness class.
If you think about it, it makes sense... New things are unknown. The unknown can feel uncertain, vague, unfamiliar, daunting, and even scary. So, if you've talked yourself out of something new, it's okay! Feeling uncertain and scared isn't pleasant, and most of us will do anything to get rid of the unpleasant feeling. This is a defence mechanism and is adaptive in nature.
But if walking away from something new means continuing to feel like shit, it's no longer working then. The defence has become maladaptive and isn't helping you feel better.
One way of moving through the unpleasant feeling of something new is to GET INFORMATION about it. So in hopes of decreasing your hesitancy about counselling I wanted to share with you 10 reasons why counselling is good for you:
It's a safe space for you to talk about what’s on your mind
You can feel supported by someone neutral who isn’t a family member or friend
You can see your thoughts from a different perspective
You get to release pent-up emotions
You feel less alone with your concerns
It can teach you to let go of unhelpful strategies
You learn to handle emotions in a helpful and productive way
It helps you create greater self-awareness
It helps you build up your resilience
Ultimately it makes you feel better about yourself
Read more about my approach to counselling as a counsellor in Vancouver.
Stay strong,